E Mail

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Psychic Energy

The term energy has been widely used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine[1][2] to refer to a variety of phenomena, sometimes supposed to be directly perceptible to some observers, who have usually undergone some form of training or initiation. This 'energy' is sometimes conceived of as a universal life force running within and between all things, and in other cases it is seen as a more localized phenomenon, such as in vitalism, subtle bodies, or somatic energies such as qi, prana, or kundalini.[3] Spiritual energy is often closely associated with the metaphor of life as breath - the words 'qi', 'prana', and 'spirit', for instance, are all related in their respective languages to the verb 'to breathe'. It is also often seen as a continuum that unites body and mind.
The experience of spiritual energy is described differently depending on the tradition or practice in question. Sometimes it is described as a physical sensation similar to the movement of breath in the body, sometimes as visible "auras", "rays", or "fields", sometimes as audible or tactile "vibrations".[4] As a rule, these experiences are held to be available to anyone, but only after proper training or sensitization through practices which vary widely across different belief systems. Spiritual energy is also usually associated with feelings of bliss or contentment, as in the pleasurable sensations of kundalini, the ecstatic states of certain forms of meditation, and the 'oceanic feeling' discussed by western scholars such as Freud and Rolland. There is no scientific evidence of physical energies of this type.[5]
     If one were to accept the principle that, universally, timelessly  speaking,  humans are really nothing more than their thoughts then the following can be believed.  Thoughts are electrical impulses,~ energy
     Since energy cannot be created or destroyed (only transformed) is it plausible to believe that our life force, is nothing more than the transformation of an energy that has always existed.  Is it also possible that this "free floating energy" is perceptible when it it's transformation process. 

     With this in mind, I offer the following e mail I sent to my Daughter Kelly, regarding an experience of a few months ago ~

  About three months ago, I wanted to play the game, after not playing the game for weeks or maybe months.  I have probably played this game over 1000 times over the years. Greg's best friend, Bill and I always used to compete for high scores. We prob played 300 games, competing.  The internet link below reports that previous high scores were 8 to 10 million. 


    On this particular day, I reached my all time high score of over 24,607,750.  Later that day Jeff called me and told me that it was Bill's birthday and that they had a party planned for him that evening.  Bill died five years ago ~

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