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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Random is not accidental

I have a vivid memory of a party I attended many years ago. It must have been very casual, because I very clearly remember, can even picture myself, sitting on the floor grabbing a book from the coffee table.  I was in my early 20's.  I remember not being able to put this book down ~ either it absolutely grabbed my attention or the party conversations were less than scintillating...  That's another post though.

     In this book, it was proposed that men after the age of about 40 are "set in their ways."  Their belief system, their style of dress, their activities etc.  I promised myself that I would never be one of these men!  For that reason, I have made many choices that may seem odd or unexpected to my friends and family.  From the seemingly silly, like never taking the same route to work two days in a row ~  to others more consequential.  I like to think I live every day on purpose ~ even if the purpose that day was to wander aimlessly around some new village.  So, I guess sometimes I choose to purposely, not have a purpose?  Works for me ~   

     My daughter Kelly has referred to me as "Random Dad" for years, rather proud of that!   That's actually how I sign all my correspondence with her. ~ RD     So if I come across as a bit (or very) odd, remember it is absolutely normal for me to ~ Not be Normal.