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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Nexus...

Wishing you all Bon Nuit with amazement and gratitude for what I call The Nexus (Star Trek) or the energy string that, when allowed to... will carry you to simply incredible places, unimagined emotional and physical experiences. That certain knowledge that "it couldn't possibly get better than this" and then it does, again, again and again, and gains velocity and intensity. The less I try to analyze, judge,attempt to rationalize or explain this.... the better it gets. The more grateful I am.... the better it gets... an open heart and mind will take your spirit places your mind can't even conceive.....You WILL see it when you believe it!  Some call this "The Secret," others "The Power of Attraction." It is clearly about living in the moment, after all, that really IS all we ever get.... a series of moments strung together in the timeline of our own creation.

 Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand-and melting like a snowflake...