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Monday, September 10, 2012

Great Reno Balloon Races

 The Balloon Races are this weekend in Reno. They bring back so many wonderful memories. 
I attended the first Race in 1984.

One of the early years, after Dawn Patrol, during the mass ascension, I had my daughter Nicole sitting on my shoulders and Kelly standing beside me when the Reno Philharmonic suddenly began playing "Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon" It brought tears to my eyes to be sharing this with my young daughters. Will NEVER Forget that moment.

Simply Amazing......
Breathtaking sights...

These Wonderful photos are all courtesy of my friend Christian Aragon. He has an online gallery with photos on many subjects available to you @ http://www.christianaragonphotography.com/  Thanks Christian for allowing me to "borrow" these.....