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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Michael Jackson, The Sporting, Karl Lagerfeld and Stein Mart......

Timeline.....1:26AM Monaco.  three 26, Reno.  Status.....

    Pumped from the MJ, Man in the Mirror Concert @ The Sporting.  Since my second visit here, I have observed The Sporting from above, 23 stories above to be precise.  I have watched the Prince (both of them) come and go with all the pomp and circumstance which accompanies them.  I more than admire and respect who they are and what they have created, known as The House of Grimaldi.  I borrow the following...

In 1299, the Grimaldis and their allies launched a few galleys to attack the port of Genoa before taking refuge on the Western Riviera. During the following years, the Grimaldis were going to enter into different alliances that would allow them to come back in force. This time, it was the turn of their rivals, the Spinola family, to be banned from the City. During all that period, both Guelfs and Ghibellines took and abandoned the castle of Monaco, which was ideally located to launch political and military operations against Genoa. Therefore, the story of Francis Grimaldi and his faction—who conquered the castle of Monaco under the disguise of friars in 1297—is largely anecdotal.
In the early 14th century, the Catalans from Spain raided the shores of Provence and Liguria, challenging Genoa and King Robert of Provence. In 1353, the combined fleet of eighty Venetian and Catalonian galleys gathered in Sardinia to meet the fleet of sixty galleys under the command of Anthony Grimaldi. Only nineteen Genoese vessels survived the battle. Fearing an invasion, Genoa rushed to request the protection of the lord of Milan.
Several of the oldest feudal branches of the House of Grimaldi appeared during those unrests, such as the branches of Antibes, Beuil, Nice, Puget, and Sicily. In 1395, the Grimaldis took advantage of the discords in Genoa to take possession of Monaco, which they then ruled as a condominium. It is the origin of today's principality.
As it was customary in Genoa, the Grimaldis organized their family ties within a corporation called Albergo. In the political reform of 1528, this ancient family became one of the 28 alberghi of the Republic of Genoa, to which other families were formally invited to join. Other Alberghi included the Doria and Pallavicini families. The House of Grimaldi provided many illustrious personalities such as doges, cardinals, cabinet ministers, and countless officers.
Until 2002, a treaty between Monaco and France stated that if the Grimaldi family ever failed to produce a male heir then the sovereignty over the territory would revert to France. The 2002 agreement modified this to make provisions for a regency and continued Monegasque sovereignty if such an event were to occur.
The coat of arms of the House of Grimaldi are simply described as fusily argent and gules, i.e., a pattern of red diamonds on a white background.

     With that, I am getting historically centuries behind and way ahead of my story.   Since my first visit to Bud and Ann's dream home I have read about the events that happen, effectively in their garden.  Twenty three floors above what ever is happening below.  Elton John, Steely Dan, The Annual WORLD MUSIC AWARDS (which I actually had an opportunity to attend in May of this year)  An annual event which featured Lady Gaga, U2, Black Eyed Peas etc.  .   You CAN NOT buy tickets to this..period, but I have a friend next door, George that offered me a seat at his table, the day of the event.  While I was originally tempted (VERY) tables went for 30,000 Euro!  When I mentioned this was WAY above my pay grade....He suggested I could pay whatever I was comfortable with.....  I explained that I considered this an abuse of our friendship and would not demean our friendship in this manner.  LEGIT from my point of view and moral compas.   He responded... Rip, pay what you can and be my guest....  An honor I thanked him for but declined...  If my bank balance was "in the neighbor hood" and I felt I had earned the seat, I would have gone,  
     When one says, "to make a long story short"...... it's generally too late to do so, With that in mind,  I get to tonight.  After years of being on the outside, looking in, I bought a ticket to the MJ Musical..   .Party of one.  Apprehension, Ya.

   I took the walk to The Sporting, maybe 300 yards.  I have watched the parade of Rolls, Ferari's, McClaren Mercedes, Bugatti's etc that drive up to the red carpet reception many times  Thru the binoculars I have observed the gowns, the suits, the red carpet reception.....

    Here is where the reality check arrived like a bolt of lightening!  I am comfortable in Monaco, very.  I am able to dress appropriately during the days.   I entered the lobby in my aesthetically appropriate and somewhat stylish choice of colors.....only to be followed by Karl Lagerfeld and his entourage.  I cannot express how aware I became of the fact that my Haggar  slacks were on sale at Stein Mart, my sport coat a treat when I lost weight on mega  sale for....yes, $56.00. in Indian Wells.  Memorable moment...

     I will finish this post later, as I WILL go swimming at 6AM and I did make two good friends at the musical, a French teacher and the CFO of  Anchois (sp) Monaco.  I will see them again on Sept, 24th @ Fellini in Menton, where they reside.  

   To this point, I have not even made it to the point of my story, but sunrise is in 4 hours and I WILL be in the Sea to greet it!  If you have read this far, return since I will continue to wander, and eventually make my point!

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