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"A birth certificate shows you were born. A death certificate shows you died. A completed scrapbook shows you lived!!!!!"

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Mom

My Blog wouldn't be complete without some photos of my biological Mother and Mom for about 16 years, when she passed.  I NEVER remember even the year when people I love aren't here anymore, jusy my way. Mom Modeled, Sang, had her own Radio Program before women HAD Radio Programs.

I was with her just before she passed.  Two quick stories...When she was in Intensive Care, just having had 2/3 of a lung removed for cancer, the patient across the room from her somehow disconnected his heart monitor and the alarm went off.  Mom motioned me down to her and whispered, "tell that guy to lay down, he's dead."  I was in Houston by myself at the time and frightened as you would expect of a teen and that comment from Mom made me laugh and relax a bit.

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Just prior to her leaving us, she told me....."Don't let your Brothers or Sister feel sorry for me, tell em I packed more life into 40 years than most people could do in 80 years."




I believe we were extremely fortunate to have come from a gene pool of overachievers and a Mom and Dad that liked the outdoors!

To borrow from Forest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."

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